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Consortium as a whole

The partners in the consortium are members of the informal network ‘the Alliances to fight Poverty’

This network group consists of members from different disciplines in the scientific, practice and policy spheres. They complement each other with their research and practical expertise. The research is situated at the crossroads between economics, sociology, social policy and political science as well as in the practices of CSOs and trade unions. The researchers are experts in these disciplines and are also committed to collaborate with vulnerable people. The team has expertise in qualitative/participatory as well as quantitative analytical methods.

Vulnerable people get a voice in this project throughout the different WPs but especially in WP3 (challenges) and in WP5 and 6 (labour market policies, social protection and basic services) where they are invited to study the case of their country in a specific field. The NGOs, trade unions and researchers are trained to work with vulnerable people.

As problem‐solving implies interventions in the political arena, practical experience in networking and working with political stakeholders is needed. The NGOs, trade unions and some individual members of ‘the Alliances to fight poverty’ are experienced in policy dialogue and advocacy.

The consortium covers a broad range of European countries, both geographically (12 countries) and in terms of representation of different welfare and labour market traditions.

At least four different European welfare regimes are represented in the consortium:

    • Liberal (UK, IE, increasingly NL)
    • Conservative (BE, DE, AT, FR)
    • Mediterranean (IT, PT)
    • Transitional (LV, RO)

The analyses will be carried out by the local partners, each of whom either has extensive research experience or has good contacts with local researchers.